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How Much Sugar?

Slow weightless

  • 28 Sep 2013 8:42 PM
    Message # 1400635
    Deleted user
    My name is Robyn I have been sugar free for 18 weeks. I feel wonderful and sleep better, no longer have pre existing diabetes, but have only lost 6kg in that time. Has anyone else experienced this? I still have another 20kg to lose. I am very pleased with how I cope in situations when there is sugar on offer,  always able to say no. Does anyone have a suggestion on how I can get the weight to go??
  • 29 Sep 2013 1:05 AM
    Reply # 1400742 on 1400635
    How do you know you have 20kg to go?
    What's your BMI? [ weight (kg) divided by the square of your height (m) ]
    You can find an ideal weight calculator here:
    Actually if you are around your ideal weight your waist measurement is  more important.
    In order to avoid the accumulation of fat around the vital organs men should keep their waist down to 94cm max and women 80cm max.  usual point of measurement is at the navel, which is usually the maximum circumference.

  • 03 Oct 2013 4:18 AM
    Reply # 1403864 on 1400635
    Deleted user
    Hi John, thanks for your reply. I actually have 40kg to lose! Plus my waist measurement is too high. I must be missing something as I see others have lost 17kg in 10 weeks. 7kg in 19 weeks seems slow when I have so much to lose.any suggestions?
  • 04 Oct 2013 2:21 AM
    Reply # 1404604 on 1400635
    David says in one of his books that it is very much an individual thing - you can't generalize about people's experiences.

    He also suggests  that for unexpected weight gain or, presumably, slower than expected weight loss, you go low-card for a while. You'll find  plenty of ways of doing that on the web, or in your local library.

    Christine Cronau's book  The Fat Revolution  [] is worth reading. She places quite a bit of emphasis on carbohydrates in general in addition to fructose in particular. Any carb you ingest, except fructose & fibre, ends up as glucose. If your pancreas isn't doing its job properly, you could get a build-up of glucose in your blood. Any which is unneeded for energy gets converted to fat.

    If you haven't already done so, I suggest you keep a food-diary for two weeks. Record EVERYTHING you eat and calculate the amount of fructose you are taking in using the tables in  Sweet Poison Quit Plan. You may get a surprise, especially if you are eating much processed food, margarine, seed oils, fast food, extra fruit and so on.

    Let me know how you get on.

  • 05 Oct 2013 9:01 PM
    Reply # 1405610 on 1400635
    Deleted user
    Thanks John, I will do some reading. I wondered about the carbs. As I have done low carb for many years, having carbs 3 times a day seemed a lot. I will make some changes. Do I need to increase the exercise? I certainly feel so much better since going sugar free. My cholesterol is 3.8 and no more pre existing diabetes, so the benefits are there. I'm sure the weight loss will come. Robyn
  • 06 Oct 2013 2:22 AM
    Reply # 1405804 on 1400635
    Do I need to increase the exercise? 
    Both David & Christine say that there are many good easons to exercise, but losing weight is not one of them.. Every heard of tasking a walk before dinnerf to stimulate your appetite?  

    My cholesterol is 3.8 
    Same sources, and others. Most people who die of CVD have LOW  cholesterol!  I can't give you medical advice but suggest you read around the subject.. Peter Dingle's book is a good place to start.

    I'm sure the weight loss will come.
    Google an ideal weight calculator. 

    Good luck . . .  or should I say, management :-)

  • 14 Nov 2013 3:21 PM
    Reply # 1438529 on 1400635
    Deleted user
    I really hope we dont have to lose the carbs as in rice, bread etc. as this was the reason i chose to do this.  Giving up the sugar wasnt as hard as i first thought it would be (although i am only 16 days in) but giving up the carbs as well will make things a lot more difficult.  It will mean having to eat differently than the rest of the family and that is time consuming and makes me feel as though i am dieting or missing out. None of which i am feeling by losing the sugar.
    i lost nearly a kilo in this time but weighed myself today and have put it all back on.
    I have to be honest i am going to get pretty  despondent if this continues and will resort to telling myself that this is just another diet and no better or worse than all the others. 
  • 15 Nov 2013 2:05 AM
    Reply # 1439007 on 1400635
    Perhaps there is a genetic factor.  I tink the main criteria are;

    (1)  Is your weight stable?
    (2)  Do you feel sated (aka full) at the end of each meal. . . . . .  the feeling of "I just couldn't eat another mouthful" ?

    If yes to both then your appetite-control system is working, and you can relax and wait for the weight to reduce at YOUR pace.

    If you are concerned you can ask questions directly to David at the  web site or his FaceBook page.

    You might also consider doing a Sedona course. They are not cheap but they are very effective:

    Last modified: 15 Nov 2013 2:05 AM | Anonymous
  • 15 Nov 2013 5:29 AM
    Reply # 1439051 on 1400635
    Deleted user
    Thanks John,
    My weight is stable and i am feeling more full, not feeling the need to grab for snacks, so hopefully the weight will come off soon. My mother developed type 2 diabetes, then, fatty liver , then chirrosis of the liver and passed away a couple of months ago. All this due to fat around the tummy area, and i dont want this to happen to me, thats why it is so important i lose the tummy fat.

    Cheers Helen
  • 17 Nov 2013 5:34 AM
    Reply # 1439968 on 1400635
    Deleted user
    6 months sugar free for me now and going strong. Am a firm believer. Slow but steady weight loss. 14KG lost so far - 13 kgs more till ideal weight. I did have Fatty Liver disease, but blood test a couple of months back confirmed that one measurement is now in the normal range and the other is on the way down. I DO allow myself an OCCASSIONAL sweet treat, if I so choose-( does my physcie the world of good !) Can confirm that , as the books say, your appetite control DOES kick in - I would never have believed that I, ( Queen of the pigout - grazers ) would actually feel full and satated and REALISE it !
    Magic ! love my new life !
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