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How Much Sugar?

No more fructose for me.

  • 09 Jul 2014 6:38 AM
    Message # 3041493
    Deleted user

    Hi, my name is Jo and I'm a sugarholic. I have now been free of sugar for four whole days and I have already noticed the difference in my appetite control. I have never taken sugar in my hot beverages and I only drink water and not fizzy sodas or fruit juice. I hate the taste of milk so I never drink it. Whenever I baked cakes in the past I always put half the amount of sugar that the recipe said, but my BIG BIG BIG problem was sweets and chocolate, once one entered my mouth I couldn't stop until they were all gone; there was no stopping half way! I can't wait to start cooking with dextrose. When will it be safe to start? When will I know when I'm clean and free of fructose?

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