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How Much Sugar?

Hello from Briz!

  • 19 Oct 2014 2:10 AM
    Message # 3126991
    Deleted user

    Hi Everyone. I have been totally converted by the Toxic Oils and Sweet Poison books. I have been sugar free (with a few lapses - who can resist chocolate at a low point??) for a year now. I have lost 12 kilos and feel really good. I am trying to convert my family and anyone who will listen.

    It really annoys me that big companies smile at us from our TV sets and tell us how good their food is when it is really killing us. 

    Good on you, David! It is so refreshing to hear someone tell us how it is. I was hooked on your book the moment I read "We're fat because we eat too much". Blew me away! No one has ever said that in print before.

    Keep up the good work,


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