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How Much Sugar?

Paradigm Shift in Nutrition Science

  • 05 Feb 2017 10:33 PM
    Message # 4593242
    Deleted user

    Here is a review I just wrote at Amazon

    David Gillespie’s two books Sweet Poison and Big Fat Lies explain the paradigm shift now occurring in nutrition science.  In the old false paradigm, scientists argued that eating animal fat makes you fat.  In the new correct paradigm for nutrition, eating sugar and seed oil makes you fat, while animal fat is okay.  As well as causing obesity, sugar, with its associated industry of seed oil, is the main cause of the epidemics of obesity, heart disease, cancer, tooth decay, diabetes and dementia.  We are poisoning ourselves because we have been sold lies by the food industry and its supporters such as Heart Associations.  The pharmaceutical industry is also part of the problem, making much of its money from drugs that address the symptoms of sugar consumption. The simple answer to fix our health is to stop eating sugar and seed oil.

    This massive world health problem is an excellent example of what the philosopher of science Thomas Kuhn described in his great 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.  Kuhn explained that in scientific revolutions a new correct theory only gains acceptance with difficulty, with adherents of the old false theory refusing to accept their error. Examples are astrophysics (Newtonian mechanics replaced by relativity), biology (Darwin’s theory of evolution), and geology (Wegener’s work on plate tectonics). Such theories produce what Kuhn called a paradigm, a framework of ideas that aims to give a full explanation for everything related to the topic.  Because old paradigms are wrong, anomalies start to get noticed.  Then a new hypothesis comes along which explains the anomalies by pointing out the mistakes in the old theory.

    A paradigm shift away from eating fructose, which is the poisonous ingredient in sugar, is now required in the science of nutrition. The scientific explanation starts with the discovery that our liver metabolises sugar into fat but our appetite hormones do not register fructose, so we pile on the pounds without noticing.  Many big scientific studies have then shown that eating sugar causes numerous health problems, while eating saturated fat is perfectly okay.  Sweet Poison and Big Fat Lies, together with a wide range of excellent books by other authors arguing the same scientific point, provide excellent and alarming information about the pervasive stranglehold that sugar has suddenly gained in our diets, in evolutionary terms.  We need to return fructose to its former dietary status as a very rarely eaten delicacy. 

  • 06 Feb 2017 5:55 AM
    Reply # 4593696 on 4593242

    Spot on! While many writers in mainstream medicine are increasingly recognizing the role of "sugar" in the obesity pandemic, few seem aware of the role of fructose. And while an increasing number of doctors and health organizations are recommending reducing sugar intake, they are still hooked on the idea that fat makes you fat. I have yet so see commentators others than David Gillespie and his ilk debunking the myth that saturated fat is bad for you and that polyunsaturated fats are good. While it is no doubt true that deliberately eating a lot of fatty food will increase your weight,  when your metabolism is working properly the gut hormones controlling appetite and satiety will not let you eat more of it than you need at that time - the "couldn't eat another mouthful" feeling occurs at the end of every meal. And that happens when fructose intake is controlled. The other myth they are still hooked on is that exercise can be used to reduce weight. Apart from only 30% of energy intake being available for sweating off, the burning of excess energy, or deprivation of energy intake, both signal "imminent starvation" warnings to the body which then takes appropriate action to ward it off.

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