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How Much Sugar?

Getting it from every direction

  • 30 Aug 2015 10:39 PM
    Message # 3502636
    Deleted user

    I thought I would post here because I needed to vent.

    Why is it that every person feels the need to comment and have a go at this type of lifestyle?

    I am now 5 months fructose free and it is now just a normal part of my lifestyle. No thinking goes into it, it is just life.

    I don't try and preach to people or ask them to follow this way of living. However as soon as I say "no" to something, or they see my kids missing out on a "treat" they feel the need to lecture me on what I am doing, as if this way of life is affecting them somehow. 

    From people telling me my children will get eating disorders from missing out on sweets, to others telling me using dextrose will give them cancer. I've also been called a bad mum for making my children follow my "fad diet"

    I usually don't let it get to me but I just recently posted a recipe in a popular Facebook community site for health conscious people. It was a peanut butter fudge slice using rice malt syrup. I labelled it a fructose free treat to be had just as that "a treat". Within minutes I had comment after comment lecturing me on how Rice Malt Syrup is sugar…or how Rice Malt Syrup is so full of calories… or how Rice Malt Syrup is not good for someone quitting sugar…. 
    To me, knowledge is power and I responded to each comment with information that I have collected on my journey. But I seem like one against many because apparently its healthier to use honey or coconut sugar… 

    I am so proud of how far I have come and I was just wondering if anyone else cops it?

    I am not a shy person, I am confident and will stand strong for my beliefs and my family but I've never had to constantly explain myself to complete strangers before.

    Does anyone else feel like this?


  • 31 Aug 2015 2:05 AM
    Reply # 3502736 on 3502636

    Take heart, such people are simply displaying their ignorance. You could point them to the facts, which can be found here: 

    Or you could treat them with disdain by telling them, politely of course :-)  to check their facts before criticizing others.


    I  haven't seen your original material but I  suppose it is possible you  were "leading with your chin" . . . . . making statements in such a way as to invite hostile reactions.




  • 08 Sep 2015 8:25 AM
    Reply # 3515320 on 3502636
    Deleted user

    No, I def was not leading with my chin.

    I think its just a topic that is a little confrontational with all the media attention it is receiving. People don't want to feel like they are doing the wrong thing by their families by not jumping on the quitting sugar bandwagon, so they need to make those that are feel like they are doing the wrong thing.

    All good!

    Each to their own and I just need to stop worrying about the opinions of others!


  • 09 Sep 2015 4:58 AM
    Reply # 3516945 on 3502636

    Fritz Perls, the doyen of the gestalt personal growth movement in the 1970s, said "What you think of me is really none of my business" :-)


  • 05 Nov 2015 3:29 AM
    Reply # 3617531 on 3502636
    Deleted user
    Hi Jess,
    I cop-it too...and i have no kids...I guess ppl like to show they know stuff...and that's fine...The worst i got when i asked for glucose in " About Life" shop..." no one is asking for glucose anymore...Here! you are better of with fructose...same stuff but better as it comes from fruit"...if i try to explain,they get their 'fur up' ( they are after all the naturopaths from the shop...they KNOW IT ALL! ) and say things like..." so in your opinion fruit is bad for you?"...To me it shows ignorance and i just go away without starting an argument.
    In your case...given it is your kids...i would remind them they are your kids and you feed them as you feel fit...also i would ask them if the kids look like they are suffering and to ask THEM. Most importantly...teach your kids why it is the way it that they can have an answer as well.

    Jessica Richards wrote:

    I thought I would post here because I needed to vent.

    Why is it that every person feels the need to comment and have a go at this type of lifestyle?

    I am now 5 months fructose free and it is now just a normal part of my lifestyle. No thinking goes into it, it is just life.......

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