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How Much Sugar?


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  • 02 Aug 2010 7:29 PM
    Reply # 395112 on 393489
    Deleted user
    Nicole Mitchell wrote:


    I have a question regarding dextrose as well.  In the book you say a few times to not consume dextrose until you have withdrawn from sugar.  My question is once I do start making the occassional 'dextrose delight' (sorry thought that sounded cute!) is it ok for my immediate family and extended family and friends to consume this if they are still sugarholics or not completely weaned (as in my immediate family who will become sugar free slowly as no more sugar treats will be brought into the house)?



  • 10 Aug 2010 3:01 AM
    Reply # 399935 on 391598
    Deleted user

    HI David,

    Firstly, thank to Nicole for asking the exact question I was going to ask and thanks David for supplying the answer.

    My new question is: is GLucodin (powdered glucose) the same as dextrose and can I use it as I would dextrose?

    Also AN interesting point - I have been off sugar for about a month now and interestingly have become better at differentiating thirst from hunger. I used to walk around feeling I needed something to eat all the time when in fact I was really just needing a drink of water!!



  • 31 Aug 2010 1:21 AM
    Reply # 410619 on 391598
    Deleted user
    What is the  maximum amount of Dextrose you can have in a 24 hour period?
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